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Join RankingHero to discover your Heroscore!
Latest club results
Tournament | Results | |
RKH HomeGame W8 2015Friday 20 February 2015 |
25 Poi. 3rd / 5 |
RKH HomeGame W6 2015Friday 6 February 2015 |
13 Poi. 4th / 5 |
RKH HomeGame W50 2014Friday 12 December 2014 |
50 Poi. 2nd |
RKH HomeGame W46 2014Friday 14 November 2014 |
50 Poi. 2nd |
Best club results
50 Poi.
Rank: 2RKH HomeGame W46 2014
Nov 14, 2014
Tournament | Results |
RKH HomeGame W50 2014 Dec 12, 2014 |
50 Poi. 2 |
RKH HomeGame W8 2015 Feb 20, 2015 |
25 Poi. 3 / 5 |
Latest online results
Tournament | Results | |
RankingHeroWednesday 9 March 2016 |
10 ₱ 93rd |
Winter is leavingTuesday 10 March 2015 |
30 ₱ 48th |
Winter is leavingTuesday 24 February 2015 |
20 ₱ 100th |
Tournois RKH de NoelMonday 29 December 2014 |
60 ₱ 29th |
elena pls call me
Hey, I'm having an issue with my about page, it keeps giving me HTTP Error 500 whenever I try and access it. How do I seek help about it? I can't seem to find your tech support system.
James-Robert Knight 9 Aug 2016
Never mind, it fixed itself.
WSOP Guessing Game: The Results
Thank you all for your participation in our WSOP Main Event Guessing Game.
And the winner is…
@Draw Dead with an amazing score of 103 points!
Congratulations, you win one of our brand new RKH T-shirts!
So new that they are still being made. So please, be patient, it will come soon
The other Top 10 are :
@Emty | 95 points |
@Farcas Paul | 62 points |
@Keith | 54 points |
@Jonny2192 | 54 points |
@Skilful | 54 points |
@ArchyWraith | 44 points |
@Jason Kiselis | 43 points |
@Bestiz | 33 points |
@DecoGTX | 33 points |
You all win a RKH patch!
And the winners of the random draw are:
@Santo Abate , @online2014 , @Donatas , @djor , @Alessio Bianchi , @ovi10pkr , @Advoghado , @William Calder , @vatopkr , @Zanardi .
You all win a RKH patch!
Here are the correct answers:
How many entries ? 6420
How many Europeans will make it to the November Nine? 2
Will there be a sports star or show business celebrity among the November Nine? No
Who will be the highest ranking Brit at the beginning of Day 3? Charles Chattha (2nd: Louis Salter)
Will there be a HeroScore Top 20 influencer among the November Nine? No
How many female players will make it to the November Nine? 0
Will there be a pro with 5 million+ in live tournament winnings among the November Nine? No
What will be the average age of the November Niners? 35
What will be the bust-out hand of the bubble boy (or girl)? A♣K♥
Thank you for your participation.
And see you next week for a new mission!
Zanardi 16 Jul 2015
Le yay!
Archywraith 16 Jul 2015
Congrats @Draw Dead !
Thank Your RKH Team for the game!
Draw Dead 16 Jul 2015
Wow wow thanks a lot RKH Team
Skilful 16 Jul 2015
nicce! thanks :)
Advoghado 16 Jul 2015
Congrats all winners! Nice promo :)
online2014 17 Jul 2015
Emty 17 Jul 2015
Thank you,congrats all guys
Elena RKH 22 Jul 2015
Congrats to you all! :) Ready fo the new mission ?
It's here, a mystery hand plaied by our member Advoghado. You can win the new RankingHero T-shirt and a lot of goodies: http://www.rankinghero.com/en/hashtags/Mystery55.html
The WSOP Guessing Game is now over!
Thank you all for playing with us and posting your forecasts :)
The final table is set and we’ll now be checking answers and scores! Final results will be published tomorrow.
Quick reminder:
10 points for a correct answer, with up to 50 points for guessing the EXACT answer to some of the questions!
1 bonus point per every 10 likes for your prediction!
1 bonus point for each friend you invite to RankingHero and who tags you in their forecast post.
De nouveaux goodies RKH en préparation !
Le premier T-shirts RKH sera lancé très bientôt et restera réservé à nos membres les plus fidèles, évidemment .
Je suis très heureuse de partager avec vous les 3 designs proposés.
Lequel est votre préféré ?
Votez pour nous aider à choisir le meilleur.
Elena RKH 14 Jul 2015
@Maurice Israel @Ky116 @HooKer @Pic0l0 @Evlevetoi qu'en pensez vous :)
Frédéric Nikitin 14 Jul 2015
Le premier évidemment
vincent86180 14 Jul 2015
le 3 je trouve
Pvbart 14 Jul 2015
1 ou 3 mais pas le 2
Emmanuel Rouckert-Pereira 14 Jul 2015
J'aime bien le premier Elena
Pic0l0 14 Jul 2015
Franchement, le troisième me fait penser à captain america avec la grosse étoile :D donc pour le ///
Sinon le 2 donne un bon rendu visuel, et le 1 est très (trop) classique. Dans l'odre 3, 2, 1.
Thomas Wilhelm 14 Jul 2015
Perso, j'aime bien le 1 et le 3 !
uptobox 14 Jul 2015
Trop beaux ils sont tous bien
Maurice Israel 14 Jul 2015
Je préfère le 2, car les autres sont moins lisibles au dos: "on lit Her Score" ce qui veut dire "son score à elle", alors que le 2 on lit bien sur deux lignes HERO SCORE"
Evlevetoi 14 Jul 2015
Le 3 est mon préféré....
super beau
Thomas "Tom Larson" Alarcon 14 Jul 2015
Le 3ème est de loin mon préféré! devant le 1, puis le 2
online2014 14 Jul 2015
Julien Sauvage 14 Jul 2015
Version 1
Sylvie Becquart 14 Jul 2015
1er plus discret le dos ! sympa et clair
Rémi NIGHTMARE8 14 Jul 2015
Le 3 est le plus sympa
Elena RKH 14 Jul 2015
Moi aussi j'ai voté pour le 1er :)))
Antoni Godinho Robalinho 14 Jul 2015
1 ou 3
RockyClm 14 Jul 2015
Dans l'ordre : 2, 3, 1.
claudine080 14 Jul 2015
le 1 ou meme les 3 si ils me sont offert
greg 14 Jul 2015
le troisième est le mieux
Sophie Berne 14 Jul 2015
le I pour moi
Omar Zeggai 14 Jul 2015
J'adore le 3
Archywraith 14 Jul 2015
A mon avis le 3 e est magnifique!
DecoGTX 14 Jul 2015
number 1
sylverphenix 14 Jul 2015
Le numero 1 avec notre nom ou pseudo derrierre
Seb Seb 14 Jul 2015
Le 1er
As2As19 Golum111 14 Jul 2015
le 3
Harmansmith 14 Jul 2015
Le 3ème
Gilles Duguy 14 Jul 2015
le 3
Francis 15 Jul 2015
Le 1 ou le 3
yannig56 15 Jul 2015
Bonjour, le troisième !
Alexandre Djema 15 Jul 2015
Le 3
pazo 15 Jul 2015
Ky116 15 Jul 2015
J aime bien le 3éme
Mickael "mykiman" Freydier 15 Jul 2015
Je préfère le 3
Dobar56 15 Jul 2015
Je vote pour le III
Lotrings 15 Jul 2015
J'aime les 1 et 3, Elena !
Elena RKH 15 Jul 2015
And what about you @Jonny2192 @B165L1Ck75 @Keith @Emty @Advoghado @Bnasp @Skilful :))) Which RKH T-shirt is your favorite? :)
Jonny2192 15 Jul 2015
I prefer number 1, If I seen someone wearing number 3 I would be tempted to throw something at the target and try to hit it
TRUST02 15 Jul 2015
Bonjour je prefrere le 3, bonne journée Helena......
Keith 15 Jul 2015
think there is a big problem trying to put a star in a circle to represent a O . those that know what you are trying to show, know what it means but if you are trying to advertise heroscore, people will look at it and wonder what her score or her star score is trying to represent and therefore miss the advertising value that you are trying to achieve for hero score .
Nitanytoo 15 Jul 2015
kif38 15 Jul 2015
The One ;)
sharkdurrr 15 Jul 2015
MasterFree 15 Jul 2015
Salut à tous... Alors je sais que certain vont me prendre pour le casse coui... de service, mais bon...
Je suis infographiste (c'est mon job) Pour une certaine cohérence, il serait bon que dans le dos, la même typo (ou police) soit utilisé...De plus, la, il n'y à pas vraiment de choix visuel... juste une mise en page différente...
Il serait plus intéressent de voir réellement des styles différents street, grunge ou même tribal, pourquoi pas...
Mais désolé de dire que là, il n'y à pas vraiment de choix...
Je n'ai pas été trop présent ces dernier temps donc je vais poser une question qui peut déjà avoir une réponse si cela avait déjà été fait... Pourquoi ne pas faire un concours pour les visuels. Le coeur devant on y touche pas, c'est discret propre et classe comme ca... mais pour le dos, ca pourrait être cool :)
Ci tu as besoin d'aide pour un mini réglement, dis le moi, mais je suis plus pour laisser libre court à la créativitée...
Par ontre impose un format, une extention et un nombre de couleur max, sinon tu va te retrouvais avec des timbre post à 72 dpi lollll
Adrien Bacchi 15 Jul 2015
Merci à toutes et tous de votre participation et de vos commentaires !!!
La version finale est un mix des 3 versions présentées, qui prend compte de vos retours... et que les gagnants des futurs concours découvriront quand ils ouvriront leurs paquets cadeaux ;).
En attendant... un peu de mystère !!!
Encore merci de tout l'intérêt que vous manifestez pour RankingHero, ça nous fait très plaisir et ça nous motive à fond pour l'avenir .
A bientot pour les missions qui vont vous faire gagner ces Tshirts ;).
Advoghado 15 Jul 2015
All are beautiful, I like that shade of blue, more like number 1
Catarina Leal 15 Jul 2015
#3 for the big HeroScore/Captain America symbol
Santo Abate 15 Jul 2015
I like #3
pyjol 15 Jul 2015
Je préfère la 3eme version.
Del 15 Jul 2015
CaptainAmericaFTW.... 3.....is the magic number....
Eric Pineau 15 Jul 2015
Le 1 , sans contestation :)
ema2519493 15 Jul 2015
je préfère le 3ème
faites vos jeux....
dijo 15 Jul 2015
Moi c le 3 il arrache tous
slimane 15 Jul 2015
Le 3 je trouve qu' il est bien
Alessio Bianchi 16 Jul 2015
ii prefer the n 3 too
Nicolas Massacrier 16 Jul 2015
j'aime bien le 3
pokerjackz 16 Jul 2015
i like the third design
PM31 16 Jul 2015
Le numéro 3 est très sympa
Draw Dead 16 Jul 2015
I like 1 and 3 both
petitchabalou 16 Jul 2015
je vote pour le 3
patrickom13 16 Jul 2015
le 3 ai cool
Despé fraiche 17 Jul 2015
J'aime beaucoup de 3
Omar Zeggai 17 Jul 2015
il arrive quand a la maison #ElenaRKh
Elena RKH 17 Jul 2015
@Omar Zeggai tres bientot :P
MasterFree 17 Jul 2015
J'ai une petite question, si on veux représenter ranking hero sur des tournois live... on peut utiliser le logo???
J'ai un live le 2 Août :)
Elena RKH 17 Jul 2015
@MasterFree de plus une image (un selfie) lors du tournoi avec le patch sera très apprécié ! ;)
MasterFree 17 Jul 2015
Ok, je t'envoie un mp
Spew4value 17 Jul 2015
Le troisième pour moi ! :)
EL CROCO 17 Jul 2015
pour moi le 2 mais les trois sont bien donc ce sera top quand même .
Zedixair 17 Jul 2015
J'opterais pour le second, la typo est un petite sur le 1er, et le logo étoilé sur le 3ème fait un peu trop "Captain America" à mon goût...
David Djedri 18 Jul 2015
Le 2e :)
Baroi LHTHC 18 Jul 2015
J'aime beaucoup le 1er...
Pierre Bourgeois 19 Jul 2015
Salut, Perso je préfère le N*1
CoolBreizh 20 Jul 2015
je vote pour le 3 !
Seb Charlent 26 Jul 2015
Pour moi le 3
Luis Ayllon De Mingo 19 May 2016
Interested on #3
CoolBreizh 19 May 2016
3 !
Elena RKH 19 May 2016
:) merci pour votre intéret Luis & CoolBreizh :) Bientot on organisera un jeu peut etre pour vous faire gagner quelques nouveaux T-shirts :)
The WSOP Guessing Game - Question 9
The rules are simple:
Every day of the Main Event, we ask a new question.
You have 24 hours to post your prediction on your RankingHero page with the right hashtags.
On July 16th, we will post the final leaderboard and reward the top 10 guessers and 10 randomly drawn participants with RankingHero goodies!
How you earn points in the WSOP Guessing Game:
10 points for a correct answer, with up to 50 points for guessing the EXACT answer to some of the questions!
1 bonus point per every 10 likes for your prediction!
1 bonus point for each friend you invite to RankingHero and who tags you in their forecast post.
one answer only per entrant per question
Question 9
Last year @Jose-Luis Velador went out with pocket 44s and in 2011, another small pair (33s) was the last hand for @John Hewitt in the Main Event. In 2013, @Carlos Mortensen finished 10th with A♣9♥and the year before, @Gaelle Baumann became the final table bubble girl with the same hand - A♦9♥. Not even AA have immunity on the bubble - it was the final hand for Jordan Smith in 2009. Make your prediction:
What will be the bust-out hand of the bubble boy or girl?
Post your guess on your RankingHero page with the hashtags #WSOPguess and #guess9
For each rank and suit you guess right, you’ll get 10 points.
If you guess both cards exactly right, you’ll be awarded 50 points!
The WSOP Guessing Game - Question 8
The rules are simple:
Every day of the Main Event, we ask a new question.
You have 24 hours to post your prediction on your RankingHero page with the right hashtags.
On July 16th, we will post the final leaderboard and reward the top 10 guessers and 10 randomly drawn participants with RankingHero goodies!
How you earn points in the WSOP Guessing Game:
10 points for a correct answer, with up to 50 points for guessing the EXACT answer to some of the questions!
1 bonus point per every 10 likes for your prediction!
1 bonus point for each friend you invite to RankingHero and who tags you in their forecast post.
one answer only per entrant per question
Question 8
At 21 years 356 days, @Joe Cada is the youngest champion and last year’s 28-year-old Main Event winner @Martin Jacobson was the oldest ever since the start of the November Nine format (the average age of WSOP champions since 2008 is 24.5 years). The Main Event finalists have generally been getting younger as the fields grew huge in the past ten years. Will the 2015 final table reverse the trend?
What will be the average age of the November Niners?
Post your guess on your RankingHero page with the hashtags #WSOPguess #guess8
An exact (+/- 1) correct answer will earn 30 points.
Closest right answer will earn 10 points.
You will not be able to score points with your answers after the next question is posted but likes will count throughout the Guessing Game (1 bonus point for every 10 likes)!
The WSOP Guessing Game - Question 7
The rules are simple:
Every day of the Main Event, we ask a new question.
You have 24 hours to post your prediction on your RankingHero page with the right hashtags.
On July 16th, we will post the final leaderboard and reward the top 10 guessers and 10 randomly drawn participants with RankingHero goodies!
How you earn points in the WSOP Guessing Game:
10 points for a correct answer, with up to 50 points for guessing the EXACT answer to some of the questions!
1 bonus point per every 10 likes for your prediction!
1 bonus point for each friend you invite to RankingHero and who tags you in their forecast post.
one answer only per entrant per question
Question 7
Last year’s top 3 finishers were also the three most experienced and successful pros among the November Nine. The eventual champion, Martin Jacobson, led by live tournament earnings with $4.7 million in his resume up to November 2014. What is your prediction for 2015:
Will there be a pro with 5 million+ in live tournament winnings among the November Nine?
Post your YES or NO on your RankingHero page with the hashtags #WSOPguess and #guess7
A correct answer will earn 10 points.
The WSOP Guessing Game - Question 6
The rules are simple:
Every day of the Main Event, we ask a new question.
You have 24 hours to post your prediction on your RankingHero page with the right hashtags.
On July 16th, we will post the final leaderboard and reward the top 10 guessers and 10 randomly drawn participants with RankingHero goodies!
How you earn points in the WSOP Guessing Game:
10 points for a correct answer, with up to 50 points for guessing the EXACT answer to some of the questions!
1 bonus point per every 10 likes for your prediction!
1 bonus point for each friend you invite to RankingHero and who tags you in their forecast post.
one answer only per entrant per question
Question 6
In 2007 @Annette Obrestad won the first WSOP Europe Main Event but no lady has ever captured the WSOP champion title in Vegas. The only female player to come close remains @Barbara Enright, who made the final table in 1995. Twenty years later, we’re still hoping for another major breakthrough for womenINpoker :)
How many female players will make it to the November Nine?
Post your answer on your RankingHero page with the hashtags #WSOPguess and #guess6
A correct answer will earn 10 points.
The WSOP Guessing Game - Question 5
The rules are simple:
Every day of the Main Event, we ask a new question.
You have 24 hours to post your prediction on your RankingHero page with the right hashtags.
On July 16th, we will post the final leaderboard and reward the top 10 guessers and 10 randomly drawn participants with RankingHero goodies!
How you earn points in the WSOP Guessing Game:
10 points for a correct answer, with up to 50 points for guessing the EXACT answer to some of the questions!
1 bonus point per every 10 likes for your prediction!
1 bonus point for each friend you invite to RankingHero and who tags you in their forecast post.
one answer only per entrant per question
Question 5
RankingHero recently launched its innovative three-dimensional ranking which aims to measure popularity and contribution in addition to online&live results. It is equally unique in combining objective data and community input. The list of top influencers is constantly evolving as players add achievements and members of the community endorse them. That is why we ask you to use the current HeroScore (as of July 9) to make your prediction:
Will there be a HeroScore Top 20 influencer among the November Nine?
Post your YES or NO on your RankingHero page with the hashtags #WSOPguess and #guess5
A correct answer will earn 10 points.
You will not be able to score points with your answers after the next question is posted but likes will count throughout the Guessing Game (1 bonus point for every 10 likes)!