
#WSOPguess #guess8 


37 for the average age.

#wsopguess #guess7 



Looking at heroscore and comparing to the players left there are not many +5m pkayers left.

#WSOPguess  #guess6 

What a horrible question 

or I should say what a horrible answer I will need to give


I think 0 women will make the final table 


I would like to say 3 or 4 but after a bit of research, I think 0 is the answer.


Come on ladies of poker prove us wrong(and lets be honest men they normally do(well they think they do))

4 Comments Display all

Did You copy-paste the hashtags? That's not good. #WSOPguess #guess6 

Thanks :) 

Normally works when I copy paste.

But sometimes doesn't.

You are welcome

#WSOPguess  #guess5 


no I dont think any of the top 20 heroscores will make the FT.

#WSOPguess #guess4


@Jake Cody is my guess

Because he lives closest to me(and being highest chip count as well helps)

@Elena RKH @Nicolas Levi @Adrien Bacchi 


Not sure who to direct this to, so added you all

I was just lookin at the club page and noticed you have TD import at the bottom.

Is this working?

If so I will add my local weekly pub game and upload the results.

Need more likes for these competitions, so lets try and convince people to visit 


You've directed this to the right persons ;).
We've been working with Tournament Director on these import features. 
It's still being made...and we're searching for partners to test the API... so that would be awesome if you could test this !
@Elena RKH will contact you ;)


I have plenty of saved tournaments, so I am good for testing things.

For anyone else who runs pub/home tournaments The Tournament Director is a great piece of software for running leagues.