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Lots to do today! 

I wasn't going to play in the MTT league on Unibet this month which started on Monday but that's all changed with Malta, now I am going to be working on my MTT game just as much as I am my cash! Here is the low track for the MTT games which is what I'll be entering as much as possible every day for the rest of the month. 

So tonight I'll be playing the bottom 5. Every night I'm going to post my bust hands and any other info that I remember on Ranking Hero to get some feedback from you guys! 

If you want to join me in the league there's a few prizes up for grabs! (if you don't have an account you can open one on ranking hero and get £10 free). Let me know if you're playing the league too would be good to have a mini challenge with someone :)

Have a great Wednesday everyone! 

Good luck!

Thanks all!