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Had a good day so far with poker. Up about 6 buyins in my two sessions today.

and now i'm about to go live on twitch after i've eaten - followed by analysing the next street for RankingHero Malta competition!

Guess you could say Friday has been about poker? :)

Here's my grind setup

Naturally RankingHero is by the side :P

Have a great weekend!

#grindstation #friday

How did you find "mathematics of poker"?  any good nuggets in there? (apart from how +EV the min-raise is lol)

Have you read "Matthew Jandas" Applications of Hold'Em?   Best book i've EVER read so far.... GL tonight m8 : )

@B165L1Ck75 A bit tough it's the kind of book you need to spend some time with and I plan to next (currently working through Mental Game of Poker). I put it in the picture because it was on top of my printer and looked cool for the photo

Thanks for that book recommendation, that'll be the next one I buy!

Yeah man, totally agree,the  book is heavy going and pretty "chewy"...not worth getting sucked into the maths too much unless you geek out on it hard...theres a few good things to get from it but applying it is not practical in mnay cases i find.

The Matthew Janda stuff is more refined for GTO play vs other GTO players and he lays out the frequencies clearer than any other book ive seen so far. Saying that though, if you wanna breakdown of Jandas stuff in a more user-friendly version just get Ed Millers newest book "Pokers Top 1%",  it basically breaks down the same thing into "idiot proof" chunks, which is great for me tbh hehe....

Take it easy, enjoy "The Mental Game", it's so logical it's ridiculous isn't it? lol : )