Farcas Paul
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Here i am ,with top set -sweet- although its a monotone flop  i dont see many scenarios where i am behind my oponent.

Since he is a bit tilted i might consider him calling my preflop reraise with a hand like AsJs or myabe As10s-even in this case i still have my chances - but with this kind of hand i dont think he would bet the flop because i am the preflop agressor ,in most cases this would be a check/call  or check/raise play from my oponent.

A bet against the preflop aggressor when  out of position is a pretty rare thing.

So after his 12k bet i would raise it to something like 33k hoping to get some value from hands like AsKc ,AsQx,JsJx,10s10x or -why not- from AA or QQ.



#HandMalta #BOMflop