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What are the dumb things said/you heard at a poker table?

@Lucky Carmello @ShiShiFed do you have an answer ? :P

yeah actually yesterday a guy matter of fact first place winner for The Cage event was calling other players "Tards " like really  Thats not only dumb but it goes against  poker ethics. Didnt deserve his winnings as a true sportsman but like they always say there is always someone better than you.

what dumb thing havent i heard lol but if i had to chose just one it has to be people calling me a "fish" when all i do is see them chase card after card for there hands but ME geting called a DonkeyFish for Playing A9 Suited and floping 992 for trips is a fish/bad play... then i guess ill have to go back to the books when u go all in and i call u for misplaying KK lol "LuckyC" THE ROUNDERS CIRCLE TEAM LEADER