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Pretty new to poker and wondering what is the etiquette if you know someone is posting selective stats for requesting a stake?


post in the stake thread and ask them to provide you with all their screen names and make sure that they have sharkscope and OPR unlocked so that you can verify their results. If they don't give you those details its because they have something to hide and if they aren't giving those details just walk away as chances are that you will kiss goodbye to any money that you stake them with either through them outright stealing from you  or they aren''t as good at poker as they are trying to show in their selcted stats and will just lose the money at the tables.

   Once you get their stars and full tilt screenames google them and look to see if they show up as scammers before you part with any money .

yep, Keith is right.

Thanks guys :)

oh and make sure you get their real name and google that as well