Julius Oral Popwell

Julius Oral Popwell

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About Julius Oral Popwell

Jobs & Achievements


Poker Hall Of Fame,
in Jan 1996


Despite never playing in a World Series of Poker, Julias Oral Popwell was enshrined into the Poker Hall of Fame posthumously in 1996.
Born in 1912, Popwell is one of the most famous players from the first half of the 20th century. He played cards with the likes of Johnny Moss during his career. His favoured game was five card and he would travel across the country looking for a game to take part in.
His love for gambling led him into the business world where he set up lotteries and card games from his home in Alabama. Unfortunately, gambling of this kind was illegal at the time and the police would regularly raid his premises. In 1954, he was arrested for his crimes, which included tax evasion, and was sentenced to a year in jail and fined $250.
In 1996, aged just 53, poker lost one of its greatest players as Popwell passed away, losing his battle against cancer. Even with his failing health, Popwell stayed at the card tables, such was his love for the game.

Written by Ina Rkh
Last update: 21/04/2015

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Las Vegas
