Pierrick Torasso
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About Pierrick Torasso

Jobs & Achievements


Poker Casino Consulting,
since Jan 2007
Poker Casino Consulting (PK2c) standards are high, PK2c is a company specialized in the field of consulting, organization, marketing, coordination and generally being experts with significant added value in the poker market, is proposing to Poker Tournament Consultant to work for you as consultant. In particular Poker Casino Consulting is specialized expertise in the field of advertising, promotion and marketing for gaming houses as much for the terrestrial form known as the \'offline\' as for the virtual form known as Online, and most specifically in the field of online gaming, online poker and terrestrial tournaments. Poker Casino Consulting - PK2c is a specialized, experienced company with a strong added value in the gaming sector.
Poker Casino Consulting,
since Jan 2007
A – Introduction Poker Casino Consulting (PK2) standards are high, PK2c is a company specialized in the field of consulting, organization, marketing, coordination and generally being experts with significant added value in the poker market, is proposing to Poker Tournament Consultant to work for you as consultant. In particular Poker Casino Consulting is specialized expertise in the field of advertising, promotion and marketing for gaming houses as much for the terrestrial form known as the \'offline\' as for the virtual form known as Online, and most specifically in the field of online gaming, online poker and terrestrial tournaments. Poker Casino Consulting - PK2c is a specialized, experienced company with a strong added value in the gaming sector.


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