Sam Clayden 16 Dec 2013
Sam Clayden @TheRealClayden
RT @FootballFunnys: When the man you were marking in football scores a goal and someone shouts "who's man was that?!"
Sam Clayden 15 Dec 2013
RT @footballacca: 1000/1 - Not a bad effort
RT @FootyFaceSwap: Andy Murray and Judy Murray
Lost another inhaler!!! #ffs
RT @Jordiniho13: Last night haha
RT @paddypower: Mesut Ozil has apologised for not applauding the Arsenal fans at City yesterday. Look at those sad eyes. He means it. http:…
Feel terrible, Bristol 1-0 Sam Clayden
RT @DT38BC: Cut my hand on those stupid maracas last night #fucksake #simba
Sam Clayden 14 Dec 2013
@WalkaboutBS1 hi walkabout can I have me and 10 on guest list please, thanks x
At least with wont have to sing the giddins song tonight
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