Annie RKH
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Take Your Grinding Station With You on the Fun Freeway to Unibet Open Glasgow!

Show us where you grind and you could be on your way to Glasgow! 

In the first mission on the Fun Way to the Unibet Open Glasgow, you have until Thursday night April 23rd to post a picture of your setup with the hastag #FunSetup and collect likes from other members of the community. On Friday, Aril 24th, our special jury will select the winner among the five best-liked pics! 

Is your work station cluttered and messy or minimalist and sleek, high-tech or retro, indoors or outdoors? Take a snapshot and include a caption or comments if you like.

Click here to post!

We've made sure it's FREE, now it's up to you to make it FUN :)


More grinding stations below:

Unsafe Working Conditions in Professional Poker?.. - Ranking HeroRankingHero health officials are concerned about increasing UV exposure and unsafe working conditions of nonunionized professional poker players. Recent documented victims of UV radiation exposure and too long working hours include:www.rankinghero.com

SuperNova125: Baller Poker Grind Stations / Setupssupernova125.blogspot.co.at

All about the TWO FREEWAYS TO GLASGOW here:


Unibet.com - Ranking Herowww.rankinghero.com