Annie RKH
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20 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn Poker

While most games have important lessons to offer, few bring together so many long-term benefits and immediate gratification as poker.

So how is poker good for kids?



1. patience,

2. concentration,

3. discipline,

4. psychology



5. math and logic skills,

6. observation skills,

7. analytical thinking,

8. self-knowledge,

9. risk-assessment,

10. decision-making

Great for

11. family bonding,

12. conflict resolution,

13. venting aggression,

14. dealing with sibling rivalry,


15. memory,

16. social skills,

17. self-control,

18. planning skills,

19. money management,

20. Less messy than letting them play with their food...

Photo: Paul Hakimata/Fotolia.com




The babies In this hilarious video are actually learning and practicing valuable motor skills and are dealing with frustration, pain, competition, goal setting and achievement. You'd think it's hard work, yet they could go on forever and are actually having fantastic fun!!! In two years time these adorable toddlers will be ready for their first poker lesson and might get equal enjoyment and benefits out of it!..



Ok I need an elastic band and and door =) 

20 is obviously a life changer :).

The video is really fun ;)


Some findings from the internet ;)