Annie RKH
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The Cover Girls of Poker - Gaëlle Garcia Diaz


Gaëlle Garcia Diaz has been appointed by PokerStars France as presenter of the fourth season of the reality TV show Maison du Bluff.


In a male-dominated industry such as poker it is no wonder the major operators, tournament organizers, and TV producers are doing their best to compensate for the scant presence of women on the felt by engaging attractive female reporters and presenters of poker events and TV shows. It is not uncommon for the beautiful hostesses to join their guests at the poker table and to get smitten by poker fever themselves.

@Tatjana Pasalic comes to mind, of course, or Shana Hiatt, and there is also the Belgian model, poker player and TV presenter, @Gaelle Garcia Diaz.



Gaelle likes to play online and live cash games, and has been a PokerStars sponsored player. She is one of poker’s own beautiful cover girls (and was actually on the cover of Playboy in 2011). She is known as a presenter for the PokerStars European Poker Tour (EPT) in Belgium and Spain and is certainly one of the hottest women in the world of poker today.



Gaëlle Garcia Diaz has been reported as saying that what she really dreams of is an acting career in France so maybe her participation in the #pokerstarsFR  Maison du Bluff reality show will bring this dream a step closer to realization?..