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SCOOP 2016: Zach Schneider on the SCOOP title he was born to win

Zachery "Aaralynn" Schneider is a 31 year old poker player from Ottawa, and one of the new Class of SCOOP winners from 2016. 

To some players SCOOP is a chance to celebrate, to scream from the rooftops (or at least from the end of the local bar) that they have accomplished something in poker. Schneider is almost like that, but not quite. Take away everything but the professional recognition, and the personal satisfaction at having achieved it, and you'll get to what sort of SCOOP champion he is. 

zachary_schneider_18may16_portrait.jpgZach Schneider

Schneider, playing as "Aaralynn", won SCOOP 10-L. It was not the biggest SCOOP win; it was not the most talked about, and by no means the most glamourous. But in some ways that sums up Schneider and what makes him the proud poker player he is today - eight years a pro in a game that is constantly evolving, and challenging those who claim to be able to beat it.  To Schneider though it's still the game he loves. 

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"It's kind of fitting that I won this event," he said. "I pride myself on grinding hours/games that other pros won't.  It's not the most glamorous win but the same can be said for my entire career.  I just show up every day and get the job done.  I owe most of my success to the guys I surround myself with at BBZ staking.  We have a great community of players and coaches that all lean on each other and it's an honor to be a part of it."

As Schneider put it, $20,000 is not his biggest score, but then it's not always the big wins that prove most memorable. 

"It is unlikely I will ever win a 15,000 player field again so to be able to say I did that is certainly unlike any other poker success I've had.

"I am very proud to stand where I am today as a successful poker player in an industry that gets more competitive every day. " 

Read the full report of Schneider's win on the PokerStars Blog.

Stephen Bartley is a staff writer for the PokerStars Blog.