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#Mystery55 Round 2

Hmm serious situation,so the question is what they have,one raise,one call.Are they have strdraws or pokect pairs? If it is pockect pairs or A♠K♣Q♦A♦and go on... flop perfect for @Advoghado but if A♥3♥not sounds good, but if we always look at the bad side of luck, mabe it's time to stop playing poker?Kiddingwe always look at the bright side of liveso than i stopped discuss with myself,i want to tell what @Advoghado doing,he CALL, set a trap with set,and make decision to slowplay,in order to attract more fish

This post seems a bit fishy to me 

Don't like fish@Jonny2192 ?

NO, I have terrible trouble with fish.

Last  night pub, JT in BB one caller and SB completes, flop JT8 Rainbow, I check,check, SB bets.

I push all in, fold,SB calls with T4s Runner Runner Diamond and I am out.

This seems to happen to me a lot in live games @Alessio Bianchi I am sure you understand my pain

@Jonny2192 Oh ye I understand you and @Alessio Bianchi what's why I just like cooked fishes


I like your plan, Here is one I cooked earlier 

You may have lost that hand but in the long run that call is gold.  That person had a 2.4 percent hand and went runner runner.  It happens to every player and many times it happens in groups.  For example, in the 2011 Borgota Open in back to back days in the $550 events I flopped a top set of Kings and the money went in.  Both times the other person had second set with 8s.  On both days the 8 of diamonds appeared on the turn with all the money already in.  Both days the person hit the opne outer for quads.  it really sucked but what can you do but get it in good. In 2011-12 I was quadded 9 times like that and just cursing my bad luck.  But when I thought about it I could only remember one other time in the prior 10 years of playing when it happened.

Nice post @Emty , Thanks and 

@Jonny2192  oh dear...


when i was a pokerstars user i was usual say : twopair on flop usually lost river if called....

9-10 was nuts , u can afford with me movin allin on that board can be risky with 2 limper in the hand...?

his call is absolutely nonsense anyway.

in truth i usually check with 2 pair on flop, maybe try to trap and same time control not close straight...or.... other...

a good approach for an unlucky player with 2 pair can be : look that as a low pair need to set..., we was need to set fullhouse on that board.


we can only be more safe,patient and skilled to cook the fish in a proper pot....


The fish theme is painfull for every poker player

Thanks @Advoghado 

Let's prepare spices for fishes