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#UnibetBubble #Decision4   

Notice that the hashtags have changed.

4th decision: 

This is a new hand.

A few minutes after the one you played previously. Now there are only 2 players to bust before the bubble.

The blinds are still 500/1000.

In UTG+1, a player who likes to see a lot of flops opens with 2.2BB. He has 30,000 chips in his stack.

UTG+2, with a 90BB stack, calls.

You have now 34BB. In the BB position, you call with J♦8♦.



You check.

Villain UTG+1 bets 5,000 chips.

UTG+2 folds.

 What do you do?


I have really mixed feelings about this flop.

We have a lot of a draws but none of them draws are for nutted hands.

If this hand was early in the tournament I would just shove and take my chances,

But its near the bubble and only 2 people to go for some money.

Fold is that an option?

That seems a bit too nitty but I tempted, yet if I fold to any bit of pressure it gives people a license to take advantage in future hands.

So I am going to take the middle route and call.

This guy likes to see a lot of flops he possibly has draws himself or he has hit some part of the flop and just wants to take down the pot with a relativity large bet.

 Lets see the turn and reevaluate from there.

One good thing he hasnt got us covered.


We have to wary though even if we git the flush or straight we could still be the underdog.

And we would be feeling really woof if we get knocked out here.

But taking this pot down will make us happy.

If we win this hand I think it will be time to party.

So after my pictures to fight of @DecoGTX cats.

I will be calling and hoping for a good card but even if I get a good card I will be proceeding with caution.



Well if we are having #dogs we must have this picture:-

But I like this one:-

On a totally none poker related note the film underdog is great for kids, my youngest boy must have watched it 50 times @B165L1Ck75 I recommend this as a film to watch with your youngster but dont blame me if you end up watching it every day.

will def look that up now......i cant watch Toy Story anymore...or Monsters bloody University(as good as it is) lololol.....cheers : )

Haha I know that feeling when toy story came out all mine were young, I have watched that film so many times with the kids. You know you have a seen a film to many times when you want to phone the movie company and beg them to make a sequal just so you can watch something else.