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#UnibetBubble #Decision3  

3rd decision:


The blinds are 500/1000.

A player just sat at the table with a 43 BB stackIn middle position, he limps in.

Everyone else folds to you, in the cut-off.

You have 37 BB in front of you and A♣7♠ in your hands.

You raise 2.6BB.

Villain calls.


J♦ K♥ J♠

You both check.



Villain checks.

When you put 3,000 chips in the middle, villain instantly calls.



And again, villain checks.

What do you do?


That insta call is not filling me with confidence but the river check makes me a bit happier.

The 9♦ Doesnt really change much, unless he has pocket nines.

I think we are more than likely in a split pot situation here with us both having the ace.

Possibly he has the straight or the jack and he is just playing it safe because of all the other possible hands that could be beating him.

I think if had quads or a full house there would have been some kind of bet but you never know some people only bet a nutted hand in these situations.

With the insta call earlier I think any bet up to pot size is going to get a call if he has the straight or the jack even though he might do it reluctantly.

So for me I think it leaves two options push all in to try and get him to fold a better hand or check and hope he was on a draw or has a smaller pair.

I think at this stage in the tournament I am going to play it safe and check behind for me its not worth commiting any extra chips to this pot and possibly getting busted before the bubble by turning my hand in to a bluff.

So decision made its a check.


Good luck to me and lets see him turn over a a small pocket pair or any hand we have beat, but I will be happy to split as well at least we get to share the blinds then.


Random picture now, cant think of a reason to justify it 


decision - #check