William Calder
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#UnibetRoyalFlush #justsaying It’s been 2 hours since i last played a hand. crossing the Card-dead valley, almost falling asleep when finally i see K♥Q♥ on the button.

Everyone folds.

Blinds are 4.000 / 8.000, ante 1.000. I have 200.000 and decide to bet 20.000.

I am only called by the Small Blind, a very good player with a 160.000 chips stack.


The flop reveals A♥J♥10♥.

I just flopped a ROYAL FLUSH!

i do the billy elliot dance in my head jumping all over the place
going crazy but on the outside im as calm as still water i act as if i'm still waiting on my opponent to act an i myself act nonchalant an uninterested an unfazed , when the dealer or someone else at the table reminds me its my turn to act i say sorry my mistake an act surprised its my turn an then just check back still apologizing at tis point lol. an before the turn comes i check in the dark out of turn to cause as much confusion as possible an to also anger or tilt the player to make a steal against me an then if he does make a bet on the turn card i just tank call after a good 3 -4 minutes . an on river if opponent bets i go all in . if he checks i make a small value bet that looks bluffy to try induce a re steal from the small blind . try use whatever tactic i can to get max value from our opponents . in all honesty i probs do what most players will do their an get over excited an too eager to get the chips in fast an overplay it or pass out at the shock of it hahah   A♥K♥Q♥J♥10♥  #UnibetRoyalFlush 

LOL'ing hard at "check in the dark to cause confusion"......priceless ROFL.......

Classic! Ahahah