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[question] Bugs report and suggestions


The site is really nice. I have notice some bugs and have few suggestions though.

- There should be a link to the terms and conditions on the register form.

The email seems to be the primary key and the username just a screename you can change. It's not really clear on the form.

No captcha ?

- The home page is a bit heavy.

- When I had to follow 3 person, if I search a non-existent account, I have a white page and I have to back on the previous state and rego to select them. By the way, why I have to follow 3 accounts ? Seems odd to me.

- The account system is not very clear. If I use facebook to create the account, I can only log with facebook ? For example, if I want to switch and use twitter instead after the creation, can I ? And if a have already a profile from the database and I create a new account? It might be some multi-accounts problems. I have notice for example a 'Lucille Cailly' and a 'SoMuchBe' account.

Wrong error message when I try to change the password (connect with facebook), it said 'wrong email or password'. Better not to show the form.

On the ranking page, there an empty column on the right.

I can follow myself?

posted this bug.

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