Annie RKH
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Will Tonking: "I kept my promise but I didn't reach my goal"

@William Tonking, the November Niner from New Jersey who finished 4th in the WSOP 2014 Main Event, has posted a touching thank-you letter to all of his supporters, family and friends. Whoever was your favorite to win the Main Event, take the time to read it and you will no doubt be moved and inspired by this talented player's humility, gratitude, and resolve not to disappoint himself or any of the people who believe in him! 

My promise when I came to Las Vegas on November 3rd was that I was as prepared as possible to give it everything I had and represent everything and everyone that I stand for on the largest stage in poker. My goal was to win the World Series of Poker Main Event. I kept my promise but I didn't reach my goal.

Where I come from the former means more than the later. However, the later can be heart breaking in a way that only those that have been through it can understand. To come that close to something that significant and fall just short was the most devastated that I've ever been in my life. We really were right there.


However, in poker we can't always control the outcome. We can only control how we handle each situation.

We make decisions based on limited amounts of information with the hopes that we have more information than our competition. This guarantees a profit in the long run but not always in the short run. I felt that I had as much information as any of my competitors and that with 7 left having the most chips we were the favorite to win. From that point forward what I couldn't control did not cooperate and the outcome was disappointing relative to the position I was in. Anyone that's been there will tell you that when it gets down to a certain point and if you truly understand the opportunity you have that it's not about the money or anything else. It's only about winning.

I can tell you without any hesitation that there was no one at that table, in that tournament, or in this world that wanted to win more than I did. Not just for me but for us. For where we're from, for my story, and for what I stand for.This experience was unlike anything else and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity and for everyone that made it so special.

To the more than 120 of my people that came this past Monday night and stayed for over 12 hours cheering on my every move and chanting my name until voices were lost, you made a 27 year old kid from a small town in central New Jersey feel like he mattered. I don't know if I can ever repay you for this but I will try. My best friends in poker Andre Nyffeler and Pat Mullaney along with my best friend in life Matt Diehl selflessly helped me prepared for this over the past two months and they did as great of a job as they are people. From the bottom of my heart I thank you.


My parents Cathy Thomsen Tonking and Bill Tonking and my grandparents Raylene Thomsen Tom Thomsen Ruth Hipple Tonking and Bill Tonking Sr. taught me how to be a man. Matt Diehl taught me how to be a poker player and how to do it with grace and class. Me and Matt have been through seemingly everything in our lives together and there isn't a word in any language to describe the bond we have and the respect we have for one another.

With great fortune comes great responsibility and I am ready for that responsibility.

This experience is now over but I am far from done. I will continue to compete to be the best I can be in everything I do and I hope that those that have supported me will continue to be a part of it. I thank you all for everything once again. Until we see each other again God bless and be well my friends. Published by Will Tonking on Facebook, November 16

Watch Will Tonking rise to chip leader after calling @Mark Newhouse's bluff and eliminating him in 9th place for the second year in a row:

Will Tonking Sends Back-to-Back November Niner Mark Newhouse Into Poker History

2014 November Niner Will Tonking Bio and Poker Profile

November Nine Moments: Kings for Tonking!

World of Poker in Awe of Newhouse for Achieving Mission Impossible

Je pense qu'il n'aurait pas dû y aller avec une paire de 2 off. Avec deux 2 de trèfle, il gagnait !

@janluk1554  ca ma fait mal au cœur de voir Mark Newhouse partir mais quand je lis la lettre de Will Tonking je me dis que c'était peut-être une intervention juste des Dieux [et des hommes!] de poker...

 And somebody asks me why I love poker, well I'll just show em what a poker players are like

@MOB G thats it man..true !!!

@Annie RKH thank you for sharing this !