Kat Arnsby
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BoM2015: Saturday 12:32

Boom! Managed to arrive in good time for Day2.
I'm feeling positive; I got up early and ate an omlette and some pancakes with chocolate sauce and fresh cream. Two course breakfasts for the absolute WIN!

The dealers are just starting to do dealer things and put cards and bags on the table.

The seating draw is not yet displayed, but there are a lot of players wandering about, there's a sense of excitement. This tournament is so friendly that lots of players returning from Day 1 are saying "hello" to eachother and shaking hands.

Poker is weird, isn't it? Technically, we're all enemies, doing battle against each other, but yet we will be friendly and welcoming away from the tables!

I will try to blog my action for today, but I also have to concentrate to the maximum. I want to cash in this tourney.
I know that, as poker players, we're all supposed to shoot for the win, all the time, but I am in for £0 on this tourney, so a min cash would be brilliant.

In my normal, online games, I would start to get very aggressive as the bubble approaches, putting pressure on anyone who looks scared.
This strategy means a lower ITM%, but a higher % of deep runs, which is what I want at the stakes I'm bankrolled for,
In this tournament, depending on my stack, I will most likely be taking a slightly more nitty approach to make the money. Once the bubble bursts, I will go batshit hyper-aggro and try to make the FT, but if I'm ITM, I'm happy!!

I don't know how many are getting paid yet, @Rémi Rkh will no doubt post all the final numbers etc.

I'm off to have a quick smoke before go time, and then taking my seat with around 50bigs.
