European Poker Tour
European Poker Tour
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The Harrington Factor

One would guess it's safe to say that if a poker players' accomplishments include winning the World Series of Poker Main Event, having one World Poker Tour and two WSOP bracelets to his name, not to mention over six million dollars in lifetime tournament cashes, that this player knows a thing or two about playing poker. It's a no-brainer right? Well, that's the story of Dan Harrington.

And it doesn't stop there, 'Action Dan' as he's affectionately known is also a member of the Poker Hall of Fame and is the author of many best-selling books including the infamous 'Harrington on Hold'em' Volumes 1 through 3.
So why is PokerSchoolOnline getting so excited about this right now? Well, as a poker school we want to share with new players and beginners as much information as we can about improving your poker game and this week we are doing that by sharing a very useful tool and concept for tournament players called the 'M Calculator' devised by none-other than Dan Harrington.


What is the 'M Calculator'?

The concept of the M Calculator was brought to the poker world in volume two of the 'Harrington on Hold'em' series. As players will learn in a poker tournament there are different stages including early, middle, and late stages and all good players will switch gears during these stages depending on what stack-size they have remaining as the blinds and antes begin to eat into their stack-size. The M Calculator allows a player to see exactly which 'zone' they are in during a tournament and offers a guide as to the optimal strategy for that scenario.

In essence it will estimate how many orbits around the table a player can last without risking any chips, apart from forced blinds and antes. PokerSchoolOnline has made this poker tool available to players on their website and we recommended you check it out. It's an excellent learning tool and you'll have hours of fun punching in the numbers to see if you made the correct action while analysing those tournament hands that you've played on PokerStars.

PokerSchoolOnline is the official PokerStars poker school. New to Poker? Check out our amazing Poker Tutorial game here.