Event 3: $135 NLHE Bounty
Event 3: $135 NLHE Bounty
Event 3: $135 NLHE Bounty
Mercredi 24 Mai 2006
Pendant ce festival
Event 1: $125 NLHE
Lundi 22 Mai 2006
Event 2: $100 NLHE
Mardi 23 Mai 2006
Event 4: $230 NLHE
Jeudi 25 Mai 2006
Event 5: $100 NLHE
Vendredi 26 Mai 2006
Event 6: $200 NLHE (USD20 of each buy-in to charity)
Samedi 27 Mai 2006
Résultats Gains
21e Joe Melendez
Joe Melendez


22e Raoul Mendez
Raoul Mendez


23e John Denne
John Denne


24e Sebastian Ernie
Sebastian Ernie


26e Adrian Castillo
Adrian Castillo


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