Tutorial: Blogging

Social tools

Creating my social hub

Posting tools





Hashtags & Mentions

Comment rules

Copy/paste content

Language filter

Social tools

Creating my social hub

Manage your sites To set up your social hub, go to the actions tab and create your social hub. In this window, select the social network from which you want to add an account.

Enter your account address, click on Check account and once displayed confirm the new link.
An authorization demand will be sent to your related social network account.

Posting tools


[] [] These action buttons give you the possibility to preview your post, undo or redo your previous action.
[] These buttons allow you to include links to websites, images and videos.
[] With these 2 buttons, you can include in your posts smileys or card icons.
With these 2 buttons, you can include tags with # and mention members or events with @ into your posts.
[] Allow or block comments on your posts.
[] Lets you decide who can view your post: English speakers, French speakers, or both (global).
[] Set the link url and the text that will be displayed in your post.
With the target option, you can choose if the link page will be opened in a new window or not.


[] Enter the url of the video.


[] Enter the url of the image or the path of its file if you want to upload it from your computer.

Hashtags & Mentions

Start typing in the respective fields and you will see a list of suggested hashtags or players, members, venues.

Comment rules

[] When you click on the speech balloon button, this drop-down menu is displayed and you can allow or block comments on your post.
Visit the FAQ page if you want to set these rules for all comments.

Copy/paste content


All you have to do is select the content and use the familiar copy/paste actions to include it in your post.

Language filter

[] When you click on the global button, this drop-down menu is displayed and you can choose who can see your post: English or French speakers, or both (global).