late night grind, can't wait
late night grind, can't wait
Ina Rkh 7 Mar 2016
So how did it go?
Lets see ....
I will take some time to think. This may be bluff, I need to put some pressure on the guy..
Its clear. He insane. I go all in..
AND I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I play poker, because... weeeell..because I just can't stop !!! #MoreThanMoney
I believe thats me
Ina Rkh 16 Jan 2015
Of course. The author is Friedrich Nietzsche
William Calder 16 Jan 2015
its not how hard you can hit . its how hard you can be hit an stay standing .... .. its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the FIGHT in the dog . aspire to inspire before you expire
Queen B 7 Jan 2015
William Calder 8 Jan 2015
hey A♠ high says hi
Deuces 8 8 Jan 2015
How u doin guys? (and girl) :D
There we go :)
Adrien Bacchi 1 Dec 2014
Artistic :)
Queen B 2 Dec 2014
Wowwww thats giantic
Jason Matthieu 3 Dec 2014
nice :D look me
@Ina .. Just did this. Hope your team gonna like it ;) :D
Good morning from Great London.