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Poker Movie Quiz: First Lesson of Poker

You all know the funny scene from Ocean's Eleven where Brad Pitt's character is teaching the game to a bunch of clueless young actors. But do you remember Rusty Ryan's 'first lesson'?

Question 3

What is ‘the first lesson of poker’ according to Rusty Ryan in Ocean’s 11?

A. This is a poker game. You can’t serve food with more than one syllable.

B. Every time you play a hand of you poker you wanna run through a mental check list. Head Position Hand Position Neck Position Breathing Posture. More than 25 items. It's a lot. And that's why I've come up with a handy mnemonic device. Just one word: HPHPNPBPECMSPAMDCPAFTSTTL. It's easy.

C. Leave emotion at the door.

D. In poker you never play your hand...you play the man across from you.


Post your answers with the hashtag #RKHquiz! Each answer gets 1 point, each correct answer - 5 points. Earn 1 bonus point for each quote you correctly identify!

The RKH team will add these to your 'unofficial record' on rankinghero.com  for February, including your other shared comments, pics and posts in our community.

In early March we'll announce the successor of @Advoghado as our Hero of the Month and he/she will get a cool certificate to hang on their onine wall :)

5 Comments Display all

Leave emotion out!

@Papa of Poker funny how this rule can be applied to my previous comment, aslo 





A. taps side of glass when holding a bad hand

Jodie Foster, Maverick

B. when bluffing, always uses the word ‘bluff’


C. flicks teeth or holds breath when bluffing

Teddy KGB

D. splits an Oreo cookie but does not eat it if bluffing

like like like


A. taps side of glass when holding a bad hand

B. when bluffing, always uses the word ‘bluff’

C. flicks teeth or holds breath when bluffing

D. splits an Oreo cookie but does not eat it if bluffing


A. Jodie Foster, Maverick

B. Barney

C. Gabrielle

D. Teddy KGB

Poker Movie Quiz: Do You Know Their Tells?

A tell in poker is a change in a player's behavior or demeanor that is claimed by some to give clues to that player's assessment of their hand. A player gains an advantage if they observe and understand the meaning of another player's tell, particularly if the tell is unconscious and reliable. (Wiki)

Screenwriters don't usually care much for poker theory and strategy but like to use a poker game to create dramatic conflict and/or comic effect. To this end, the characters' tells are often too conspicuous and exaggerated. You should not have much trouble with our next question but we also challenge you to find other big- or small-screen characters with typical tells!

Question 2.

Who Does What When Bluffing? Match each of the following tells with a movie or TV character!

A. taps side of glass when holding a bad hand

B. when bluffing, always uses the word ‘bluff’

C. flicks teeth or holds breath when bluffing

D. splits an Oreo cookie but does not eat it if bluffing

Clue: You will find the right answers among the characters featured in the image above!


Post your answers with the hashtag #RKHquiz and check back Monday for a new question! Each submitted answer earns 1 point, each correct answer - 5 points!

Earn bonus points by finding other film and TV characters with revealing poker tells (don't forget to include links backing your claim)!

We hope you'll be inspired to write your own questions and will look forward to your trivia suggestions & ideas! Write to @Annie RKH or @Ina Rkh and you might be rewarded with a bonus point or two :)

1. A) Oceans Eleven - Danny
    B) Gunfight at the O.K Corral
    C) The Cincinnati Kid - Lancey
    D) Friends - Joey :)


I'm not sure what four nines does, but the ace I think is pretty high.
Thats Ocean Eleven.

I never lose. You see, poker's played by desperate men who cherish money. I don't lose because I have nothing to lose, including my life.
And that is Gunfight I think?

D is Joey

But C I don't know.

dats fun guys


The Poker Movie Quiz, Part I

Money, risk, competition, deception, falls and triumphs; dramatic clashes and fascinating personalities, not to mention all those close-ups of inscrutable poker faces. No wonder the cinema and television simply love poker and resort to it time and again, whether as a cinematic side dish, main course, or just to spice up the story!

RankingHero invites you on an exploration of poker scenes from popular movies and TV shows!


1. Match each quote with it's source!

A. I'm not sure what four nines does, but the ace I think is pretty high.

B. I never lose. You see, poker's played by desperate men who cherish money. I don't lose because I have nothing to lose, including my life.

C. It’s a pleasure to meet someone who understands that to the true gambler, money is never an end in itself, it’s simply a tool, as language is to thought.

D. I fold like a cheap hooker who got hit in the stomach by a fat guy with sores on his face.

Here are your four good clues and one false lead:




Post your answers with the hashtag #RKHquiz and check back Friday for a new question! Each submitted answer earns 1 point, each correct answer - 5 points!

We hope you'll be inspired to write your own questions and will look forward to your trivia suggestions & ideas! Write to @Annie RKH or @Ina Rkh and you might be rewarded with a bonus point or two :)

All in! I want a special certificate, right

will write to @Ina Rkh for extra points

@Pablo14 sure! But first you need to post something in order to get some points in the first place